Hullámkád írásvetítőhöz

277 700,00 Ft
Áfa nélkül

Recycle Seal
Optical, electromagnetic, sound and other wave phenomena are comparable with the way that waves propagate on the surface of water.
This ripple tank can be used to display such phenomena on a very large scale even in daylight with the help of an overhead projector.
Depending on the type of wave source used, one-point, two-point or plane waves can be generated.

By placing various objects in the water tank, experiments on reflection, refraction and diffraction can be demonstrated.

Supplied materials:
Wave generator
Motor with magnet ripple generator, continuously variable speed;
battery-powered (9 V battery) or hollow jack for 12 V DC power supply;
double-sided, easy-to-use fine height setting on both sides allows quick, optimum adjustment to water level;
steel base

Water tank
Made of acrylic glass;
outer perimeter with two rows of rubber bumpers to avoid reflection;
4 height-adjustable plastic feet
Viewing area: 217 x 217 mm;
dimensions: 257 x 257 mm

Accessories included:
• 2 Rippler generators for concentric waves
• 1 Ripple generator for plane waves
• 1 Reflection plate, 170 mm
• 2 Diffraction plates, 85 mm
• 1 Diffraction plate, 25 mm
• 1 Semi-circular reflection plate, 150 mm
• 1 Object for refraction, 90 x 70 mm
• 1 Spirit level
• 1 Box with lid and storage space shaped for the apparatus

Ripple tank experiments:
• Propagation of various wave types (Huygens’ principle)
• Diffraction at an edge
• Diffraction at a single slit
• Diffraction at a double slit
• Interference of two circular waves
• Reflection from a planar mirror
• Reflection from a concave mirror
• Refraction of plane waves
• Doppler effect